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Our Services

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These products weren't dreamed up by some green engineering graduates with no field experience. These are well thought out systems, designed by seasoned professionals who know what the industry needs.


We have a track record you can trust. Let's put some numbers to that. How about 130,000? That's the number of roof attachments we've put in service across the US since 2002, and we've never had a failure.


You can talk directly to us. Go ahead – give it a try. You can call us and we'll answer and talk to you. We won't send you through a network of reps and distributors where it's like pulling teeth to get the info you need.

Free Preliminary Design 01

(Yes, 100% free, no obligations).

You didn't become an architect to design equipment screens. So don't.

It doesn’t make sense for you to spend time figuring out how to design and lay out a roof screen. Especially if it’s something you only do occasionally. But we do it every day, so let us take that burden off of you. With no obligation, we will provide you with a free complete roof plan layout and details in AutoCAD format – plug and play.

Full Shop Drawings 02

You’ll appreciate how detailed our shop drawings are. These are not generic cut sheets slapped onto a blue print. We actually detail out your project including a site map, roof plan layout, section details, connection details and installation notes. All of this is wet stamped by the engineer for your state along with the supporting calculations package. Our goal is for your project to sail through without a hiccup. This means any reviewer, including the engineer of record, building department and building inspector has all the pertinent information at their fingertips.

full service engineering

Site Specific & Wet Stamped Engineering 03

Some product manufacturers want to keep things simple for themselves. But we want to keep things simple for our customers. That’s why we provide engineering that is completely tailored to your actual project, as opposed to just providing generic, one-size-fits-all, pre-engineered cut sheets, like some manufacturers do.

It’s more work for us, but it’s the right thing to do and it makes your project sail through faster and with fewer problems.

When you get project specific engineering from us, it comes wet stamped by a professional engineer licensed in the state where you project is.

• Wet stamped engineering calcs for all 50 states and Canada.

• Structural Engineer (S.E.) stamps if required for most areas. Please inquire if you have that requirement.

• California DSA (Division of the State Architect) or OSHPD (California Office of State Wide Health Planning and Development) project? Not a problem. We’ve done lots of them.

Design Help 04

Don’t struggle through designing a roof screen on your own. And don’t take the risk of throwing generic drawings on the plans and letting the contractors sort it out during the bidding process. That’s just asking for headaches.

Let us design the system for you. We’ll make sure it is properly engineered for the specific project conditions including wind loads, roof structure type and spacing, roof slope, roofing type, etc. You can plug our drawings, which will include the roof layout, frame sections and roof attachment details, into your project drawings. This ensures the contractors are all bidding the same thing (something that will actually work) and eliminates the headaches of RFIs, addendums, conflicts, disputes and change orders.

Get started now. We can usually get you the design and drawings in about a week or so.

Installation 05

For California projects, we can offer you a complete package including installation. If you prefer to do the installation yourself, or your project is outside of California, we can show you how easy it is to do it yourself. No special skills are needed, just general construction knowledge. With our step by step illustrated installation guides, you’ll breeze right through it. Plus, we provide full shop drawings with all the details specific to your project. For more information on installation and to download our installation manuals, click the button below

AIA Continuing Education 06

Join us for a virtual or in-person Lunch & Learn to earn AIA Continuing Education Credits! These events are totally free and can be scheduled anytime! Click the Button on the right to learn more about the course. CONTACT US to schedule a presentation!

Okay, What Else?

We understand our products are not typical everyday products that everyone is familiar with. We’re not going to sell you a system and leave you on your own to figure it out. We’ll be right there with you from the very first phone call, all the way through project completion. We do this every day so let us help take the mystery out of it.

Tap into our expertise and let us help you make your project smooth and successful. Here’s what you’ll get in addition to the services outlined above:

• Prompt project quote. We’ll even do the take-off for you.

• Value engineering. Every job we look at gets filtered through our value engineering lens. We’ll find the best and most economical way to design your project.

• Installation manuals with illustrations and step by step instructions.

• Help with project coordination, conflicts and re-designs as necessary.

• Full phone support all the way through.