Frames Mounted On DryCap®

RoofScreen NC2D
(Two Member Frame Mounted On DryCap®)
Product Overview
The NC2D frame is a light-duty frame consisting of two round galvanized tube members, stainless steel connector fittings and T-Brackets mounted on our patented watertight DryCap® system.
The tops of the DryCap® system have slotted channels allowing the T-Brackets to be mounted to any point along the top of the DryCap®. This allows unlimited adjustment for the frame and screen face.
•Solves the problem of fasteners causing leaks in traditional sheet metal sleeper caps.
•Can be ordered to any length, or cut to fit in the field.
•Mounts over 4x sleepers with room for roofing materials on each side.
•Mount any kind of equipment like pipes, HVAC or roof screens without penetrating the watertight barrier.